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April 13-14, 2024

What is Nyungne?
This special fasting and purification practice is traditionally done by Kadampa Centers worldwide on or near Buddha’s Enlightenment day, which is celebrated on April 15.

We can spend two days with Thousand-Armed (eleven-faced) Avalokiteshvara – “Mahakaruna” – the nature of our Guru’s great compassion, making exquisite offerings, praises, and prostrations and thereby accumulate huge merit, purify vast negativity for ourselves and others and receive the most powerful blessing to propel ourself swiftly along our path to enlightenment.

Wrapped within the practice of Mahayana Precepts, it involves fasting and making three sessions of prostrations, with the sadhana “Drop of Essential Nectar,” over two days. Usually, the second day is accompanied by a full fast, including no liquids. Through this we gain compassion for those suffering from lack of food and drink.  Although strongly recommended, this is not compulsory. Everyone is welcome to join us for this special retreat.

Intro to the Practice - Tuesday, April 9 - 6:30pm



Saturday & Sunday:

Precepts (required for each day you do the retreat) 6:30am

Sessions: 8am, 1pm, 3pm

Cost: $20 for entire retreat, free for members

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